How do you get rid of voles naturally? This seems to be an unimportant question to ask, but apparently, it can be a good discussion for people since they are totally annoying. They will end up cleaning up the crops in your garden that you have kept paying much attention to.
You will waste your efforts and money without proper defense when you don’t know exactly what you are facing. Voles are animals that don’t need to hibernate. They could live everywhere or even move here and there for 6 months to a year.
They could produce a lot in a year. It could be a total disaster when nobody stops this baby-making machine from producing its little monster.

You really need to know that you are dealing with voles. They would eat everything in front of them since they are also the food-eating machine. You don’t want them to eat what you think that you don’t want them to eat. They would be concerned about how to clear it up, too.
Read also: Vole vs Mole
They would be pleased when they are given beets, tomatoes, celery, carrots, lettuce, cabbage, spinach, artichokes, cauliflower, turnips, Brussels sprouts, and many more.
Controlling Voles in Natural Ways
How to get rid of voles without poison? If you are going to use poison, you will be totally busy taking care of the remaining body, and the smell will be totally annoying. Thus, you need to control them in natural ways without killing them. At least, they can look for another place to clear up.

Modify the habitat
What does it mean to modify the habitat? You need to make your garden or yard to be as uncomfortable as possible. You can do it by removing all brush piles.
You need to get rid of the ground cover, such as woodpiles, trash, and low bushes, which have to be gone. You need to ensure the ground does not have winter during the winter.
One way to modify the habitat is by addressing vole damage in lawns and gardens. This can be done by eliminating food sources and reducing vole populations.
Make fences
To control the voles, you can make fences around your garden. However, you need to remember that the garden shouldn’t be too fancy and perfect, yet you have to make it right so that nothing wrong will happen.
They would dig the soil underground. Thus, the fences have to be stepped down, too. When it snows, you must ensure that the fences are much taller than the thick snowdrift.
Using wire mesh is an effective way to keep these garden pests out and protect your plants from vole activity.
Set some traps
There are numerous ways people can set up traps. One of the examples is capsaicin. It is one of the vegetation that people can consume, but the voles would find it bad and worse for the taste. The voles would hate this idea because of the capsaicin’s bad taste and flavor.
In addition to capsaicin, live and mouse traps can be used as control measures to capture voles. Placing these traps along vole runways can increase the chances of catching them.
Use Natural Repellents
Natural repellents like castor oil and hot peppers can be used to repel voles and discourage voles from entering your garden. These substances can be applied around the perimeter of your garden or directly onto plant roots to prevent voles from causing further vole problems.
These are three of the most popular and the simplest ways that you can do to protect your garden. By implementing these control methods, you can effectively manage vole populations and keep your garden safe from these pesky critters.