What Causes Centipedes in the House

What causes centipedes in the house? People might have this question when they find the centipedes manifestation in their house. There is no doubt that they want to enjoy the comfort in their house, so it must be free from intruders, including the creature with many legs.

The centipedes must be eliminated from their house, but they need to know why the centipedes enter their house to find the best solution.

What Causes Centipedes in the House

what causes centipedes in the house

Tempting Foods

People might have a big question about why the centipedes want to live in their house. It does not mean that they do not clean their house. People should realize that they will not be the only ones who will enjoy the foods in their house. There will be various kinds of food that can be found around the house, including the centipedes’ foods.

The foods can tempt them because they eat other insects, including flies, ants, earthworms, silverfish, and spiders. People can see the centipedes’ appearance as a sign that there is another insect infestation in their home.

That is why if people want to get rid of the centipedes properly, they have to eliminate the food source by figuring it out first.

Moisture or Water Supply

The answer to what causes centipedes in the house question can be associated with the environment loved by this insect. The centipedes love to live in areas that are humid, damp, as well as wet.

Surely, people’s home comes with various areas that can be suitable for the centipedes. The centipedes will love the bathroom, kitchen, and basement for sure.

where do house centipedes come from

If people want to prevent centipede infestation, they have to clean up the wet areas in the house and dry them up. They should also make sure that the piles of timber and leaves are kept away from their home because centipedes can be found often under the log piles and bricks.

Warmth in the House

No one wants to be outside in the cold weather. Of course, they want to get inside as soon as possible to get the warmth of their home. This condition cannot only be found in humans but also centipedes. The house usually can provide the warmth which is loved by the centipedes as well. That is why they will look for a way to get in the house no matter how hard people ask about where house centipedes come from.

Night Sleeper vs. Fast Runner

People usually are sleeping at night, so they will not witness this insect’s activities because it is a nocturnal animal. They will notice after a long period of time after it is multiplied when they are sleeping. It will be easy to miss the centipedes because it is a fast runner.

Sneaking is the activity which the centipedes can do without getting noticed by the human. And without professional pest control, people might have to question more and more about what causes centipedes in the house.

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John Burns is an experienced author and expert home improvement advice. With years of practical experience in the field authored several informative articles on various aspects related to home improvement, including installation, maintenance, and repair.