Bye Oil Stains! This is How to Get Oil Stains Out of Concrete

Having an oil stain on your concrete floor is like having a black ink stain on your gray T-shirt. Well, although for some it is not ‘disturbing,’ many others are vexed knowing that their concrete floor is stained – given that oil stain is tricky to clean off. Maybe this is what occurs to you right now.

This article will show you what it takes to rub off that stain without even layering new concrete on top of your stained one.

How to Get Oil Stains Out of Concrete Driveway

Everyone loves their driveway to be clean. But unfortunately, oil stains are inevitable, especially if you frequently park your car on it. Is it possible to clean off this stain? If so, how do you remove oil stains from the concrete driveway?

How to Get Oil Stains Out of Concrete

Needless to say, various types of oil stains may occur in your concrete driveway. It can be just a small spot or some spills, but it may be a wider patch with various contaminants on a bad day.

Cleaning it may take you a trial-and-error process, and it is compulsory to find what method works the best for your concrete driveway. Try any of these ways to rub off the oil stains:

  • Get a strong detergent and scrub brush or sponge.

We all know that detergent has this kind of emulsifier that makes oil stains become attached – hence, it may clean off the stain. However, only pouring the detergent is not enough. You may also need a scrub brush or sponge to help the stain get lost from the concrete itself. Keep in mind that this method may only work with new oil stains.

  • Applying a poultice to suck the oil

Getting this method to help you deal with the oil stains is quite difficult since you have to collect various ‘ingredients’ to make the poultice. However, when you finish making it, the poultice can effectively remove the stains.

  • Using a concrete degreaser

The concept is similar to detergent, yet the concrete degreaser works best as the product is designed to get rid of oil stains on concrete. If you are looking for the answer to how to get old oil stains out of concrete, you may rely on this option.

Read also: Precast Concrete Steps

Oil Stains on Concrete Garage Floor

Dealing with oil stains on your concrete garage floor is basically the same as dealing with it on your driveway. Aside from applying those three methods, you may also do this procedure to handle the oil stains.

  1. First, get some clay cat litter (the amount is adjustable to the width of your oil stain).
  2. Cover the oil stain with it for some hours. Overnight coverage can be done if you are dealing with an old stain.
  3. After covering it, sweep the cat litter up, and pour liquid dish soap.
  4. Let it sit for at least an hour, then scrub it off using a wire scrub brush in a circular motion.

The last step in getting oil stains out of concrete is to clean the soap off with water. Well, if the problem persists, you may think of redoing the same procedure to get rid of the oil stains from your garage floor.

Removing oil stains can be a bit more challenging for more stubborn or larger oil stains. In such cases, using baking soda or kitty litter can effectively absorb the oil.

Apply a generous amount of baking soda or kitty litter to the oil spot, let it sit for a few hours or overnight, and then scrub the stain with a stiff brush. After scrubbing, rinse with water to remove any residue.

If you’re dealing with fresh oil stains, acting quickly is key. Blot up as much of the oil as possible with paper towels or a clean cloth, then apply a concrete cleaner or degreaser to the area. For tougher stains, such as transmission fluid stains, you may need to use a powdered laundry detergent to help break down the oil. Apply the detergent, let it sit for a while, and then scrub and rinse as usual.

By following these tips and using the right products, you can effectively clean oil stains from your concrete surfaces and keep your driveway or garage floor looking its best.

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John Burns is an experienced author and expert home improvement advice. With years of practical experience in the field authored several informative articles on various aspects related to home improvement, including installation, maintenance, and repair.