About 10 years is the typical lifespan of a water heater tank. A good rule of thumb is never to spend more than half of the cost of replacing a water heater on a repair. According to our water heater installation price guide, replacing a water heater will cost $850.
Consequently, if your fixed bid comes in over $425, and your water heater is more than seven years old, you might wish to think about replacement versus repair.
Furthermore, as more components could soon fail if a part is broken, replacement may be a smart decision. Fixing the water heater tanks is not an alternative when they start to leak. A water heater is likely to be much more energy-efficient than your older heater. Thus a replacement could yield significant savings.

Many homeowners discover that following their own water heater is mended, upgrades to the venting system, drain pan, and other components are needed, and that building codes have changed. This will increase your water heater repair price.
Read also: How Long For Water Heater to Heat Up
Most homeowners do not give their hot water heater another thought until something goes wrong. An unexpected explosion of water shoots out of the showerhead, and the hot water tap runs cold. While the water heater repair cost is about $463, it could vary depending on the issue at hand.
When considering a new water heater, it’s important to explore the types of water heaters available, including electric water heaters and gas water heaters.
The heater replacement cost will depend on the fuel source and whether you opt for a traditional tank or a more efficient water heater, such as a tankless unit. The cost to install a new water heater also varies based on these factors.
With a tankless unit, you can enjoy water on demand without the need for a large tank, potentially lasting up to 20 years and providing a consistent hot water supply. The choice of a new water heater depends on your household’s needs and preferences.