How to Fix Honeywell Thermostat Flashing Heat on

Honeywell is a well-known brand that manufactures a thermostat. The thermostat itself is a device that helps you to maintain a suitable temperature inside your house by triggering an air conditioning or heating system when the temperature rises or drops from a particular temperature that’s already been set.

Read also : Common Honeywell Thermostat Troubleshooting

Now, if you wonder why the Honeywell thermostat flashing heat on my thermostat is blinking, you may read further below to know how to fix this problem.

Resolving Honeywell Thermostat Flashing Heat

The main indication that your Honeywell thermostat is probably not working properly is that your house temperature is colder or warmer than it is supposed to be. In general, malfunctioning by failing to maintain a steady temperature or short cycles should be enough to tell you something is wrong.

Honeywell Thermostat Flashing Heat on

The thermostat flashing temperature on the thermostat display even when the heat is working or the device randomly turns on and off is the other sign to look for. The screen may also display as blank and unresponsive, but that can indicate a dying battery, so try to replace it first.

Read Also : How to reset honeywell thermostat

There are various reasons for this occurrence. A wire that’s attached poorly or loosely might be the reason why the flashing heat on the thermostat is blinking. 

By checking the connection between the wires and your thermostat terminal manually, you might find out if it’s truly the cause. If the problem persists, check if the mercury switch on your thermostat is entirely level.

Accumulated dirt inside the device is another possible reason your Honeywell thermostat blinks house or other icons. You might want to check what’s going on behind the cover and try to clean it and see if it helps. Now, if you’ve done all the inspections and find that the device looks fine, the issue may lie in the broken sensor.

Here’s how to fix it:

  1. Make sure the thermostat is set to the desired temperature for heating. Try to change your thermostat settings manually. This can be done by pressing the “Up” arrow. After that, press the option that says “Switch to Permanent Hold.” Your thermostat setting will then switch by matching the outdoor temperature.
  1. The blinking flashing heat means that once you’ve set the device to heat. It shows that the safety timer used to protect the compressor inside the thermostat has an issue. If the blinking already stopped, the device will keep up with the heat setting again.
  1. See if the various reasons above might be one of the causes why your thermostat is undergoing the blinking problem. However, if the sensor is broken, you might need to replace the device because it’s more affordable than repairing the sensor.
  1. Inspect the Thermostat Wiring:
    • Turn off the power to your heating system.
    • Remove the thermostat cover to access the wiring.
    • Ensure that the wires are securely connected to their respective terminals.
    • Look for any loose or damaged wires and address them if necessary.
  1. Check the heating system for any issues, such as a malfunctioning furnace or heat pump. If you’re not familiar with HVAC systems, it’s best to contact a professional technician for inspection and repairs.

The extreme temperature on summer and winter days makes it impossible to ignore any issue with the thermostat. Luckily, the problem of the Honeywell thermostat flashing heat on my thermostat doesn’t have to cost much to repair, depending on your thermostat model.

It’s also great that modern programmable thermostats that are available nowadays can give an early warning if there is any problem with the device to fix it as soon as possible.

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HomeTips is an experienced author and expert technician. With years of practical experience in the field authored several informative articles on various aspects related to home improvement, including installation, maintenance, and repair.