Why Is My Gas Stove Flame Orange? Causes and Solutions

If you constantly wonder why is my gas stove flame orange, rest assured that you aren’t alone. This is an issue that also happens to many households and homeowners. Unfortunately, many often dismiss it because they think it’s not dangerous.

If it only happens occasionally, then it’s not dangerous. However, if your gas stove constantly produces orange flame instead of blue, you must do something about it.

What Causes a Gas Flame to Turn Orange?

When you have a gas stove, you want to see blue flame – not red, orange, or even yellow. Blue flame means that the combustion is happening properly and correctly. It’s safe for use, and it’s also efficient for burning. No matter what cooking device you use (furnace, gas, or others), you want always to see blue.

why is my gas stove flame orange

A proper combination or ratio between oxygen and fuel must be used to produce blue flame to ensure proper combustion. When they come in the proper ratio, you get a blue flame. If you see a spec of orange or yellow flame (just a little bit or occasionally), it’s most likely because of a dirty burner or dust particle.

Orange flame is often caused by contaminants, such as when another element gets into the mix of oxygen and fuel. The orange flame is only temporary if the burner or stove is dirty.

However, be aware of whether this ‘orange’ phenomenon continues. Sometimes, something is wrong with your stove, and you must contact a professional expert. You don’t want this issue to be prolonged because it can produce excessive CO (carbon monoxide), leading to CO poisoning.

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Another possible reason for the orange flame is if you put your stove too close to other objects, such as a wall, other furniture, or even another surface. When your stove gets too close to the others, it creates turbulence. It happens when the gas is unburned, and it will mix with the fire. As a result, you have an orange flame.

According to some experts, orange flame can also be caused by turning on the humidifier. This one is probably uncommon. Some people call it a strange phenomenon. But it happens. So, when people turn the humidifier on, the flames become orange.

The moisture released into the interior air will be mixed with the dried water droplets (usually the remnants and only partial) containing salt. It results in a calcium-like effect that causes the flame to turn orange.

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Is Orange Flame on Gas Stove Dangerous?

As stated before, if it is only temporary and doesn’t happen often, then it’s okay. You probably need to do some stove cleaning. However, if the problem persists and happens for quite a while, it’s better to have your stove checked.

Is Orange Flame on Gas Stove Dangerous

Fixing Orange Fire on Gas Stove

Don’t immediately call professional service when you notice the orange flame. There are some things that you can do:

  • When it’s the case with the humidifier, the best way to do this is to turn the device off. So, when you turn on the stove and the humidifier together, and the flame is orange, try turning the humidifier off. And check whether the flame is still orange or not.
  • You should check the stove. Check for any clogs or damages. Try to clean it.
  • If the problem persists, try to check the connection. Who knows? Maybe there is something wrong with the component or the connection.

If you can’t find out what’s wrong or are doubtful about the situation, you should get help. Contact a professional and ask for their help. You shouldn’t tweak your stove if you are completely clueless about the situation. It may be too risky.


Observe your stove so you are completely sure about what happens. When you are in doubt, ask for help right away. You don’t want to risk your life or your family’s. Those are the basic facts about why is my gas stove flame orange and how to deal with it.

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John Burns is an experienced author and expert home improvement advice. With years of practical experience in the field authored several informative articles on various aspects related to home improvement, including installation, maintenance, and repair.