Securing Water Heater
Nowadays, it seems like every household will be completed with technology support, including the water heater. The water heater will greatly support a modern household because it will ease people from getting hot water. There are various conditions which make people have to use hot water instead of a cold one.
However, they must not forget to secure it, such as using a water heater strap kit. There are some great benefits which can be found from using the strap kit for securing the water heater after all.
Water Source Protection
We can make sure that people should pay attention to the house, especially if it is located in a disaster area. They have to make sure that everything, especially which is connected to the electricity or gas source secured enough.
Of course, people must not forget about the water heater because it can be connected to the gas connection or the electricity.

In this circumstance, they have to use the strap kit for the water heater properly since the water heater can fall off very easily because of a disaster such as an earthquake.
The water heater can hold a water source, but it should be kept upright. It will be a useful source of fresh water after a disaster. That is why it is crucial to protect the water resource by securing it to the wall using the strap kit.
Strapping Recommendation
People can say that their water heater tank is strapped, but they have to make sure that it is strapped correctly. They should forget about the old method of water heater strapping. There will be changes that should be done associated with the water heater strapping.
It is important to make sure that the tank is secured at the top and the bottom. If people use the plumber’s tape for strapping the water heater tank, they should replace it with the heavy gauge metal strapping. People have to make sure that there is only very little space which can be found between the water heater and the wall after strapping.
For ensuring security, the heave gauge metal strapping should be wrapped 1½ times around the water heater tank. The strapping should be secured to the woodblock or wall studs using screws and oversized washers.